Complementary Holistic Healthcare Therapy
What is Complementary Holistic Healthcare Therapy?

Complementary holistic healthcare therapies are therapies that can be used either in conjunction with conventional medicine or on its own - as a way to maintain or promote a patient’s healthcare and well-being. Due to the lack of scientific evidence many of these therapies are still not available on the NHS despite calls for more complementary therapies to be available. Furthermore many complementary holistic healthcare therapies have not yet been implemented into the mainstream Western healthcare system training programmes. This may be due to various reasons such as NHS budgets to cultural social economic issues beyond the scope of conventional healthcare.
Why choose Complementary Holistic Healthcare Therapy?
Complementary Holistic Healthcare therapies can help improve a patient’s quality of life alongside conventional medicine. It can help support patients that are living with chronic conditions or in palliative care to patients recovering from post-surgical care. It can also help support anxious patients through difficult life events during expensive medical procedures that may experience unpleasant side-effects from radiotherapy or chemotherapy.
In conjunction with conventional medicine, complementary holistic healthcare therapies may help support the body’s natural self-healing mechanisms. This may help ease patients perception of pain or help patients during times of anxiety, fear or mild depression that may be related to their illness.

Alongside conventional care complementary holistic healthcare therapies can greatly support patients that may be suffering from life limiting conditions such as multiple sclerosis, mild mental health disorders, weight problems, fibromyalgia, musculoskeletal conditions to patients with substance abuse such as drugs and alcohol to name a few.
Complementary Holistic healthcare therapies are considered useful for every day aches and pains, stresses and strains as a beneficial addition to maintain and support health and well-being thereby promoting a balanced lifestyle. This may prevent the likelihood of succumbing to everyday illness and effects of modern-day stress. A balanced state of mind promotes vitality and a greater ability to cope with potentially difficult events.
Physiologically it has been suggested that caring touch helps the flow of blood and lymph around the body. Consequently studies have shown that touch can aid to decrease blood pressure and heart rate, soothe nerves and decrease tension, promoting relaxation and a state of well-being.
The No.1 Pain Relief Clinic uses Complementary Holistic Healthcare therapies to help relieve pain which may be caused by a variety of physiological or psychological conditions. This is then supplemented by other forms of treatment alongside current evidence based research to support its use for pain relief to provide a more enhanced comprehensive holistic approach.

Please note:
Complementary holistic healthcare therapies should not be used as a replacement to medical prescribed drugs or medical care. If in doubt, please consult your doctor to discuss the best suitable treatments available for best course of action.
Click on the links below for more information on:-
Our Complementary Holistic Healthcare Services
Complementary Therapy In The Palliative Care Setting
Acupuncture May Reduce Itching
Benefits and Effects of Massage
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