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Clinical Pilates

Clinical Pilates is a revitalising form of exercise therapy suitable for both men and women of all ages, to help improve general fitness, all round body conditioning and well-being. 


The No.1 Pain Relief Clinic uses Clinical Pilates as an effective way to help treat and rehabilitate a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions. Conditions may include common types of muscle and joint pain problems (i.e. neck pain, back pain) to everyday aches and pains to pain management.

Clinical Pilates at The No1 Pain Relief Clinic

We use Clinical Pilates to help promote and improve general core strength to maintain or restore co-ordination and balance to help or address postural corrections.   


Our Clinical Pilates classes are delivered by highly qualified graduate sports injury specialists. Each class is purposely kept small to ensure that each individual receives hands-on-attention thereby being closely monitored for exercise correction. Exercises can also be tailored made to suit individual needs or help address specific injury requirements.


The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) now recommends exercise in the management of lower back-pain. Research has recommended that regular physical activity such as light or vigorous exercise has a powerful effect on life expectancy and heart health whatever your age. Further research suggests that Pilates is more effective than minimal physical exercise interventions in the management to help reduce pain (1,2,3).    


Sessions of exercise activities should include aerobic activity, muscle strengthening, stretching, postural control and movement instruction which are all included in our ‘Clinical Pilates’ classes (1,2).  


New to Clinical Pilates

Clinical Pilates is different to other forms of exercise. To ensure your safety we recommend newcomers master the basic principles and foundations to achieve optimum benefits before progressing. Individuals that are thinking of using Clinical Pilates to assist in the management treatment and/or rehabilitation of existing injuries may require ‘Clinical Screening’ carried out by one of our graduate therapists. Clinical screening enables us to assess your injury, your capabilities and for any possible signs of contraindications. Individuals that have been recommended by a health professional (i.e. GP) to participate in Clinical Pilates due to an existing injury are strongly advised to bring any reports or information relating to your injury or condition.   


Preliminary/Personalised Assessments

A preliminary and personalised assessment enables us to discuss with you any previous medical history, conditions and/or trauma you may have suffered to avoid re-injury and to help you gain optimum benefits. This is then followed by a preliminary assessment to assess your posture, strength, balance, flexibility and suitability. We will then teach you the ‘Key’ principles of Clinical Pilates. This is where you will learn about the importance of standing, lying postures, and breathing techniques to promote core engagement required throughout each session. Furthermore we will teach you how to perform simple exercises to help us assess your stability and strength.


For those people that are not injured or have prior experience of performing Clinical Pilates and are merely using Clinical Pilates to maintain general overall fitness - we will discuss with you on an individual basis what class you are best suited to. Our aim is to provide a safe and enjoyable experience to injury management, general fitness using Clinical Pilates as an approach.

Cathy Wren

 I was recommended by my GP practice to try a pain specialist due to suffering with chronic migraines (cluster headaches) and shoulder pain.


From the radio graphic information provided and one appointment with Nick, I came out a different person, as Nick was able to find the underlying source of my migraine and shoulder problem.


Thanks to him I am now mobile and pain free. I highly recommend Nick's pain relief clinic and style of treatments.

Kerrie West

His knowledge of anatomy was incredible. ...The pain I experienced disappeared almost instantly after I left the treatment room and has been a lot better since... Thanks Nick!

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  1. Accessed NICE - Low back pain: Early management of persistent non-specific low back pain

  2. Home I, Anderssen 2015 Increases in physical activity is as important as smoking cessation for reduction in total mortality in elderly men: 12 years of follow-up of the Oslo II study Br J Sports Med 2015;49:743-748 doi:10.1136/bjsports-2014-094522

  3. Accessed - Effects of Pilates Exercise Programs in People With Chronic Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review Volume 94 – Issue 4 pe383

01298 600477
Appointments: 07747 376980

© The No.1 Pain Relief Clinic Ltd,

Unit 6, Tongue Lane Ind. Est,

Dew Pond Lane, Buxton, SK17 7LF

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Company No: 7712530

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